Actress Sunny Leone, who for the first time is working with actor Ram Kapoor in the forthcoming comedy caper "Kuch Kuch Locha Hai", says she had the best of times shooting for the film because of him.
For her, "Ram is a true comedian".
"We had so much fun on the sets everyday. Ram is very funny. He is a true comedian," the actress said here during a promotional event for the film.
"He would make everybody laugh and I had the best time with Ram. He is so funny," she added.
In the film, directed by Devang Dholakia, Ram Kapoor plays a 45-year-old married man, who witnesses a turmoil in his life after he gets a chance to meet Bollywood star Shanaya (Sunny), whom he always fantasised about.
Slated to release on May 8, "Kuch Kuch Locha Hai" also features Evelyn Sharma and Navdeep Chhabra.
Wednesday, April 29, 2015 11:00 IST