Bollywood director Kunal Deshmukh, who was stuck in Kathmandu after the devastating earthquake hit the Himalayan nation, was back in Mumbai safe and sound on Tuesday morning.
The 33-year-old director's friend and former Balaji Telefilms CEO Tanuj Garg told IANS In a text message: "He (Deshmukh) has returned to Mumbai this morning and exhausted. Resting."
On Tuesday, filmmker Mahesh Bhatt took to micro-blogging website to share one of the message of the "Jannat" director.
"Reverence for life that is what I feel having survived the earthquake.Phantom tremors now paralyse me. Kunal Deshmukh," he wrote.
A 7.9-magnitude earthquake shook Nepal on Saturday and has left at least 4,347 people dead.
Thursday, April 30, 2015 12:30 IST