The actress shared a picture of herself on Twitter wearing the name-tag that read "N Bhanot Purser" captioning it as, "#Neerja #PanAm #flight73 #takingoff." The actress feels this will be the most challenging role of her career.
Friday, May 01, 2015 17:00 IST
Sonam Kapoor is in prep mode for her next film, 'Neerja'.
The actress shared a picture of herself on Twitter wearing the name-tag that read "N Bhanot Purser" captioning it as, "#Neerja #PanAm #flight73 #takingoff." The actress feels this will be the most challenging role of her career.
The actress shared a picture of herself on Twitter wearing the name-tag that read "N Bhanot Purser" captioning it as, "#Neerja #PanAm #flight73 #takingoff." The actress feels this will be the most challenging role of her career.