Ritesh Sidhwani said the filming of "Rock On!! 2", a sequel to the hit 2008 musical drama, will start during the end of August. The film will be shot in the hilly terrain of Shillong, Meghalaya.
"'Rock On!! 2' starts at the end of August and the film will release next August," he told reporters here on the sidelines of HT Delhi's Most Stylish Awards 2015.
Shraddha Kapoor is the newest addition to the sequel. The "Ek Villain" star is expected to join the previous star-cast including Farhan Akhtar, Arjun Rampal and Pracchi Desai. Shraddha is also set to croon for the movie after lending her voice in "Haider" and "Ek Villain".
The movie will be directed by debutante Shujaat Saudagar and will be produced by Farhan and Ritesh.
Tuesday, May 05, 2015 11:00 IST