Deepika's Hollywood dreams Deepika Padukone, who will soon be seen in Imtiaz Ali'sTamashaas well as Sanjay Leela Bhansali'sBajirao Mastani, said in a chat that she is excited about Hollywood films. Deepika, who missed the opportunity of featuring in the recent instalment ofFast And Furious, said that she is open to Hollywood offers in the future. According to a report on, the actor was quoted as saying that Hollywood films did excite her and that it's fascinating to set foot in a world that is completely different. She further added that the kind of films that they make is different and that it would be like starting all over again like she began her Bollywood career seven years ago. She agreed that it would be challenging indeed, but that she wouldn't mind it.
Deepika Padukone has given several hits with Ranbir Kapoor and Ranveer Singh. In an interview with Filmfare, the actress listed down the differences in the way each one of the two approaches work. The actress revealed in the interview that Ranbir reads the scripts with her, but sits quietly in a corner before the shot. On the other hand, she described her alleged boyfriend, Ranveer, as someone who is very expressive and all heart. She stated that Ranveer needs his music while he prepares to shoot and that he has the most amazing playlist.
Deepika Padukone's newest venture with Homi Adajania is going viral online. The actress has acted in a beautiful video that has been directed by Homi Adajania. The black and white video speaks about women empowerment and is produced by Dinesh Vijan for Vogue as a part of their Empower campaign. The short film, titledMy Choice, is brave in its approach of the topic of women empowerment and Deepika's narration threads the montage of various other women, including some from Bollywood. The video aims at driving home the message that women can choose to do how they want to lead their lives and aren't dependent on the men to make their decisions for them.
Deepika chooses to live her words too. The actress has broken all stereotypes in Bollywood and never conforms to the cliches. She recently spoke about her battle with depression and Anushka Sharma stood in support of the actress.
Tuesday, May 05, 2015 12:08 IST