Additional Sessions Judge D.W. Deshpande on Wednesday sentenced Bollywood actor Salman Khan to five years in jail for the 2002 hit-and-run accident that killed one man and injured four.
The 'Dabbangg' Khan has finally proven guilty after 13 years of trial. Bollywood actor Salman Khan has been found guilty, according to the session court Salman was under the influence of alcohol, when he drove over men sleeping on a pavement in Mumbai 13 years ago.
One man had died during the accident and four others were injured. Salman has been charged with culpable homicide, which carried a jail term of up to 10 years maximum.
Salman Khan, walked into the court today in long-sleeved white shirt, blue jeans and dark glasses this morning. He waves at his fans and hugged his parents before leaving for the court. His brother Sohail and sisters Alvira and Arpita accompanied their brother to the court in his his white Mercedes Benz driven by Ashok Singh.
The Additional Sessions Judge DW Deshpande told Salman Khan, "you were driving the car" and held him guilty of all eight charges against him in the case.
Last month, Salman's driver (Ashok Singh ) claimed that he was behind the wheels at the time of the accident. He was the sole witness of the defense. He had given a statement that he was driving the car and he crashed the car after the front tyre of his car burst, making steering and braking difficult and causing the crash.
However, Salman Khan's lawyers stated that the megastar, had been drinking water all evening and he climbed to the driving seat just to get out of the car, as the door was jammed from the passenger's side.
Salman's lawyers also added that the man was killed while they were trying to move the car and the bumper of the car fell on the victim, rather than at the time of the crash.
According to the feed coming in, Salman will have to surrender immediately. He would be then taken to the Arthur Road jail in Mumbai. On the other hand Salman's lawyers produced his medical report alleging the star suffering from heart ailment and also asked the court to consider his charitable work (Being Human) which he has precised over for the past few years.
Nevertheless, Salman has been found guilty and according to the law he has been charged with culpable homicide. Salman's lawyers appealed to reduce Salman's jail time to two years along with compensation but apparently luck was not in his favour. Keep watching the space for more updates.
Wednesday, May 06, 2015 11:26 IST