The normally quiet and reticent actor Irrfan Khan showed a different side of his personality on the sets of his upcoming film 'Piku'. A brand new behind-the-scenes video titled 60 Days 60 Shots - Rana showcases him having fun with the team while shooting for the film. Along with co-stars Deepika Padukone and Amitabh Bachchan, actor Irrfan Khan entertains the cast continuously making them laugh and smile all throughout.
'Piku' reveals aspects of these actors that not many have seen including a heartfelt moment when Irrfan Khan hugs and kisses Big B good bye on the last day of the shoot. Not many get to see this side of our actors today and the video proves that even they need to have some fun!
Friday, May 08, 2015 12:24 IST