According to a report, the Ahmedabad police on Monday (May 18, 2015) told the complainant in Rs 27.35 lakh cheating case against singer Mika Singh and others to approach Mumbai police, as they have not found any local connection to the case.
Priyanka Chadha, a city-based event organizer, had given an application of complaint to Naranpura police on May 14 saying that she had paid Mika Singh an advance sum for a show scheduled in March in the city, the report stated. As the show got canceled in March due to swine flu scare, she had approached his manager for another date.
As per the complaint, her partner Pravin Patel went behind her back to organize a show on May 17 even as she did not get her money back or new date, the report concluded.
Thursday, May 21, 2015 12:08 IST