Actor-singer-songwriter Pia Sukanya has turned director and collaborated with her real life Indo-British producer husband Michael Ward to make Bombairiya, an affectionate satire on Mumbai, the city they love. The fable-esque story features Radhika Apte, Akshay Oberoi, Siddhanth Kapoor Shilpa Shukla and Ravi Kishan.
Pia, who didn't know she'd also direct herself, says, "Filmmaking teaches us how to cope with a new challenge each day (she had to recast an actor at the last minute). It has been a wonderful experience so far and as we continue shooting, I anticipate even more challenges. But with the unwavering support of my producer Michael and my fabulous set of actors, every day on set throws up unexpected blessings."
Calling his wife a 'powerful director', Michael added, "Pia's vision and detailing are very clear. Bombairiya is our ode to Mumbai, a place full of contradictions and wonderment, a city where anything is possible. And as in our film, it's also a city which can bring strangers together, turn them into fr-enemies and eventually into buddies, all within a day."
Saturday, May 23, 2015 13:54 IST