Actress Evelyn Sharma who counts more than three million followers on social media for the first time responded to a fan on a very personal level. While on the promo tour with co-star Mahaakshay Chakraborty for ISHQEDARRIYAAN in Ahmedabad a fan got pushed aside by security very rudely at an event. Evelyn believes that her fans are the ones who made her the star she is today. She herself keeps very active on her social media and saw the message on her fan page. She instantly responded with an invitation for a meet and greet!
Now if that isn't true love, then what is?
'Ishqedarriyaan' is a romantic film directed by V. K. Prakash, presented by Chariot Films & Metro Studios LLC (Georgia) & produced by Rajesh Banga. The film is set to release on May 29, 2015.
Wednesday, May 27, 2015 12:50 IST