Hindi cinestar Amitabh Bachchan will be adding his weight to the newly launched DD Kisan channel, a 24-hour farmer-centric channel, a senior government official confirmed.
The actor is said to be `excited` about it.
A senior government official confirmed, `Mr. Bachchan has been roped in to promote DD Kisan.`
A source close to the 72-year-old thespian told IANS: `He is personally very excited and enthusiastic about promoting DD Kisan, but an official announcement about Mr. Bachchan's association will be made formally in the near future.`
The actor is also likely to contribute to audio visual content and radio jingles for the channel, which was launched by Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Tuesday.
Big B himself got the farmer tag in 2010 when he bought the land in Muzzaffarnagar village of Kakori, 23 km from Lucknow for Rs.3.03 crore ($482,000).
The Uttar Pradesh Seed Corporation then registered the iconic film actor as a farmer-member and provided him with a hybrid seed programme for his land, which got a yield of 200 quintals of wheat thanks to advanced tractors, threshers and other equipment.
Thursday, May 28, 2015 13:08 IST