It's holiday time for Bollywood couple Saif Ali Khan and Kareena Kapoor Khan. The couple is off to explore the pristine beauty of Maldives amid greenery and idyllic beaches with family.
Saif's sister Soha, who is accompanying them with her husband and actor Kunal Kemmu, shared a photograph of their jaunt with a caption "Touchdown in the Maldives!".
In the image, the family seems all geared up to make the most of the vacation. Kareena even pouts for the camera, while Saif's son Ibrahim is also seen smiling away.
They are on five-day vacation as Soha had earlier shared on Twitter with a post that read: "And we re off on a five day holiday to the Maldives - thunderstorms predicted but praying for some spells of sunshine."
Sunday, May 31, 2015 20:02 IST