This critically-acclaimed filmmaker seems to have taken a shine to the actress of his recent film, which received mixed response. His light-eyed muse had been given considerable screen space opposite an emerging star.
A source says, "The two share a lot due to their common background. Their initial bonding over language and food turned serious when he found himself enjoying her company. As the actress is keen to get a toehold in Bollywood, she has been humouring him."
While the director is a much married man, his muse too has a clandestine past of her own. They have been cautious about being spotted together in public and are not able to meet as often as they would have liked as theirs is a long distance relationship. Those in the know are now waiting for him to announce his next project. If she is included in the cast, his fondness for her will become crystal clear.
Friday, June 05, 2015 15:00 IST