Film actor and Congress MP Govinda on Thursday said he has been receiving blank calls on his cell phones from Dubai but said these have nothing to do with the threats he
had received recently.
The missed calls had been traced to a number in Dubai and a young girl, who claims to be Govinda's fan, sources said, made them.
Govinda told reporters that he had received missed calls but was not threatened by the caller. Linking them with the threat calls he had received recently would not be
correct, he said.
Speaking to a section of media by telephone, a girl from Dubai claimed she had sent missed calls to Govinda, as she was his great fan.
Last week, Govinda had said he had received calls from "local or regional people" threatning to harm him or his family members.
However, police said they are yet to receive a formal complaint from the Lok Sabha MP of North Mumbai constituency about the threatening calls.
Saturday, April 08, 2006 17:03 IST