Here is some big news from Big B. The ace director Ram Gopal Varma has signed the veteran star for his next, ‘Nishabd'. Ramu's film is inspired from Vladimir Nabokov's immortal novel ‘Lolita'.
The film has Amitabh playing the role of a 54 year-old married man who falls for a girl 36 years junior to him.
However, given Varma's penchant to put his own originality into every subject, the film will not be about an old man fantasizing about a young girl, as the story in the novel by
Nakobov is. The film will focus on the passion between the two characters.
Newcomer Jia will play the young girl Bachchan's character falls in love with. Varma claims that a new and unknown face will increase the ‘believability' aspect in the
Saturday, April 08, 2006 17:24 IST