This young actor and actress met at a recent award function and seem to have hit it off instantly. A source says, `The actor reached the venue for the ceremony three days in advance as he had to rehearse for his act. The actress too was present there. The duo spent a lot of time together and seemed to enjoy each other's company. The actor especially looked smitten by the actress' beauty and would be by her side all the time.`
The actress in question is presently single and the actor too is enjoying his newfound single hood after he broke up with his actress girlfriend recently. The source adds, `He looked after her really well. Post the main event, a fellow actor hosted a party and invited members of the fraternity. The couple too was a part of it. After mingling with the guests present for a while, the two retired to a corner and were getting more than comfortable.`
Monday, June 15, 2015 15:00 IST