Bollywood actor Salman Khan will have to spend at least one more night in jail after a Rajasthan court Wednesday fixed Thursday for hearing his bail application.
"Salman's counsel cited 38 reasons for an early hearing of the bail application, including his mother's sickness, before the court. The district and sessions judge, while
agreeing to hear his bail plea, fixed the hearing for Thursday," a lawyer from Jodhpur said.
The actor will have to spend another 24 hours in the Jodhpur central jail where he already has spent two nights.
Khan's counsel had filed the application for bail Wednesday in the district and sessions court here after the chief judicial magistrate's court here Monday sentenced Khan to
five years' rigorous imprisonment and imposed a fine of Rs.25,000 on him for poaching a chinkara, a protected species of gazelle, at the Ghoda farm near Jodhpur on the
night of Sep 28, 1998. The court had found Khan guilty under Section 51 of the Wildlife Protection Act.
The case was registered against Salman and five others under Sections 143, 144, 148 and 201 read with 149 of the Indian Penal Code, Section 51 and 52 of Wildlife
Protection Act and Section 27 of Indian Arms Act at the Mathania Police Station on Oct 11, 1998.
Salman, who faces four cases in Jodhpur, has earlier been sentenced to one year's imprisonment by the same court on Feb 17 for poaching of two chinkaras.
Wednesday, April 12, 2006 17:19 IST