Manoj Bajpayee may not have hopped on the flaunt-your-six-pack bandwagon, but the veteran actor, who "believes in leading a healthy life", says that fitness is "more about exercising daily and eating the right food".
"I believe in leading a healthy life. For me, fitness doesn't mean to have abs or muscular look but it's more of exercising daily and eating the right food," Manoj, 46, said in a statement.
Believing in leading a healthy life, Manoj has always given health a priority. Be it outdoor shoots or day-to-day routines at home, Manoj makes sure to exercise daily and eat healthy nutritious food all day long.
Not many would be aware, but Manoj is such a health freak that some days he even personally cooks nutritious food for his family to keep them healthy. He has also started yoga with his wife Neha in order to get mental peace and physical balance and Manoj likes doing Surya Namaskar since his school days.
"I am not someone who might stay in gym for hours but I certainly believe that one should not ignore his or her health, being an actor it is important that we pay close attention to our health," he said.
The actor will be debuting as producer soon and he has titled his production venture "Missing".
Sunday, June 21, 2015 13:50 IST