Karan Razdan's spooky thriller "Eight Shani" is the debut vehicle of Raj Tara, son-in-law of music director Jaikishan.
"I wanted to become an actor since school but pursued a business degree from London University and after being an exporter for eight years I am more than happy to quit everything for my acting passion," he said.
He thanks his fashion designer wife Bhairavi Jaikishan, daughter of musician Jaikishan Panchal - of music director duo Shankar-Jaikishan, for supporting his decision to
enter films.
Before venturing into films, Raj worked in a few TV commercials like Citibank, FUS Inega and a couple of shirt brands.
"Eight Shani" is also the launch pad of actor Raj Kumar's daughter Vastavikta.
Raj says Razdan's film is the best debut vehicle for him.
Thursday, April 13, 2006 16:00 IST