Akshay Kumar, who is gearing up for the release of "Humko Deewana Kar Gaye", will have some advice for the lovelorn on ETC channel's TV chat show "Star
Akshay takes the hot seat with host Suresh Menon. The show will be aired at 8 p.m., April 19, and the repeat telecast will be at 1.30 p.m. April 20. In the interview, he
shares his views on how love happens.
"This is also the story of my film 'Humko Deewana Kar Gaye'. It is borrowed from a real love story of a Canadian couple where the guy is the perfect husband. They are the
perfect couple but love happens to the husband and he leaves his perfect life to go after his love," said Akshay.
Commenting on "wife beating" on the show, Akshay said: "Wife beating (the husband) is a very good concept! It is essential. A man must be beaten because it will keep him
conditioned. He will be better prepared for the world."
While giving love tips, Akshay said: "It's a lost case if one has only Rs.500 to woo his girlfriend. But then there are ideas that can save him."
Thursday, April 13, 2006 16:03 IST