Deepika Padukone has apparently caught the fancy of several Kolkata-based filmmakers after her last outing, 'Piku', in which she played a Bengali architect. The latest buzz suggests that a few directors and producers from that regional industry have approached the actress with movie offers.
A source close to the development says, "Deepika's team has received many calls from leading Bengali filmmakers who are keen to sign her for their projects. They have said that they would like to discuss their scripts with her if she is open to doing Bengali films."
Deepika Padukone is presently busy with two Bollywood projects - Sanjay Leela Bansali's 'Bajirao Mastani' and Imtiaz Ali's 'Tamasha'. While the actress remained unavailable for comment, her spokesperson confirmed the buzz.
Saturday, June 27, 2015 23:00 IST