Bollywood actor Akshay Kumar says he thoroughly enjoyed playing his "real life" character in Raj Kanwar's "Humko Deewana Kar Gaye" as well as working with co-star
Katrina Kaif.
"What makes 'Humko Deewana Kar Gaye' special is that it is based on a true love-story. For the first time I play a real-life character. So far, all my characters have been
fictional. To re-live a romance that actually happened was a strange experience. I enjoyed it tremendously," Akshay told.
Akshay is quite impressed by Katrina with whom he is working in Feroz Nadiadwala's "Welcome".
"She is tall, pretty and very focused on her work. People tell me we make a good on-screen pair. In fact, I am now doing my second film 'Welcome' with Katrina. The
producer Feroz Nadiadwala loves to shoot in Dubai. I enjoy it too."
But wouldn't rumours of strife with Salman Khan stress Akshay's rapport with Katrina?
Akshay laughed off the rumours and said: "These are all media myths created for sensation. I have never had any problems with my co-stars. Katrina and I are professional
actors. I am not here to fight and quarrel with anyone."
There's another reason why Akshay is looking forward to shooting "Welcome".
"This is the first time I am working with Anees Bazmi. He is very talented. Both of us sailing in the same boat. We need to go beyond comedy."
Akshay and Bazmi have together agreed to move out of the comic orbit. They have a point to prove. Bazmi's comedy "No Entry" was one of the biggest hits of last year,
while Akshay's comic "Garam Masala" was a moderate success.
Bazmi, who started shooting for the film on Wednesday, is pretty sure of what he wants to do this time.
"'Welcome' is in no way related to 'No Entry'. It is a romantic musical, and not a comedy. A successful formula doesn't mean you keep going back to it repeatedly. Yes,
there's some humour in 'Welcome'. But it isn't a comedy," said Bazmi.
Monday, April 17, 2006 15:13 IST