Bollywood star Aamir Khan, facing protests for his support to Narmada Bachao agitation, on Sunday accused political parties of trying to bully him.
He said he supported the project so that water is available for all four states but also wanted rehabilitation of people affected by the project.
"These are the politial parties who promise to take us ahead, these are the political parties who promise to look after us, these are the political parties who promise to look
after our poor and needy. They are using force, they are trying to bully (me)," Khan said.
He said the political parties in Gujarat are trying to protest against him and it was very easy for a political party to gather a few hundreds people for burning posters of his
movie and hitting his face on posters with shoes.
"The political parties in Gujarat are trying to protest against me...I want the nation to watch this footage very carefully ... This is the way they (political parties) operate."
The star of Rang De Basanti, the movie which has been withdrawn from many a theatres in Gujarat, said he knew the problem of water scarcity that the people of
Kuchch faced.
"I have lived in Kuchch for more than six months when I was shooting Lagaan. I have seen water problem that the people of Kuchch faced and I am extremely sympathetic to
the cause. I want water to reach to all these four states and the people who need this water," he said.
Tuesday, April 18, 2006 16:40 IST