Filmmaker Gurinder Chadha, who shot to fame with her box office hit Bend It Like Beckham, will direct a
film starring John Travolta and Jennifer Lopez, based on the popular American serial Dallas.
"I am obviously delighted that the deal has been confirmed after so much enthusiastic speculation.
Directing a film with stars like John Travolta and J.Lo is fantastic, and shows that the market of
Brit-Asian films has huge credibility and respect in Hollywood," Chadha said.
Chadha first came to limelight ten years ago, with the release of what was seen as the first Brit-Asian
movie, Bhaji on the Beach which was followed by hit films like Bend It Like Bechkam.
In 2005, her love affair with Brit-Asian cinema continued with the release of Bride and Prejudice which
again broke Box Office records, and saw the start of a superb working relationship with Bollywood star
Aishwarya Rai.
Chadha is currently promoting the film Mistress of Spices, which she has co-written and produced with
her husband Paul Mayeda Berges.
Berges' directorial debut releases nationwide across the UK on April 21, 2006 and again stars former
Miss World Rai, in the lead role alongside Dylan McDermott.
Friday, April 21, 2006 16:00 IST