The industry is abuzz with compliments for Pernia Qureshi following the trailer launch of 'Jaanisaar'. Director Muzaffar Ali is fascinated with the film's leading lady, and cannot stop praising her. Speaking about Pernia's dedication and personality, the director called her a 'Miracle Woman'.
Muzaffar Ali said, "When you see some women, you get a feeling that they they'll give up in moments of hardships. But with Pernia, this is definitely not the case as she can do wonders. She is a miracle woman. She has performed these miracles without a hint of difference to her beauty and grace,"
He further added, "She is a genius and nothing short of that and I think she'll go very very far. And I think it is the best choice that I've made."
Revealing why he chose the fashion entrepreneur for the role of 'Noor', the director said: "When I saw Pernia, I got a feeling that she was Noor (her character in film). And Noor had a certain attitude and style about her. She combined a certain style of determination to do activities and a peculiar style of dancing and expression."
Pernia also has a special fight scene in the film that combines Karate and Martial Arts, which she has enacted beautifully.
'Jaanisaar' has been produced by Muzaffar Ali and Meera Ali. The film is set for release on August 21, 2015.
Thursday, July 16, 2015 08:00 IST