"Chal Pichchur Banate Hain" director Pritish Chakraborty is back with a sci-fi comedy "Mangal Ho", in which Annu Kapoor is all set to play an eccentric but genius scientist.
"I play a scientist who is attempting to figure out if there is life on Mangal (Mars). And at the same time, we are trying to find out if there is Mangal (goodness) in life," the actor said.
Describing the character further, the film's director said: "This scientist is completely mad. So, the concepts he envisions are something that today's scientists will think 50 years later. The 'Mangal Ho' mission is a creation of his imagination."
"He wants to become the 'God of Mangal'. His ambitious efforts are blocked by everyone but his madness and wildness boost him to give a try to this mission."
Of the film, Chakraborty said: "The main theme of 'Mangal Ho' is to send a couple to Mars and form a civilisation over there. In real life, people are still working on it, but he has already begun this mission with this film."
Annu Kapoor says the director is a "young, talented, creative and full of life".
Thursday, July 16, 2015 12:53 IST