Bollywood beauty Aishwarya Rai fell off a bicycle during the shooting of a film in north Karnataka Friday that left her with minor bruises and a bandaged hand.
While rehearsing for a scene in Bagalkote district for Maniratnam's historical opus "Guru", the actress's skirt got entangled in the bicycle's chain, overturning her into a 'no
parking' signboard.
"Rai suffered a minor injury on her right hand," Bagalkote superintendent of police B.A. Padmanayana told on phone.
Aishwarya was rushed to a local hospital in town, about 500 km from here, for treatment and was discharged within an hour with her right hand bandaged. She was also
advised a day's rest.
The film is set against the backdrop of the first war of Indian independence (1857), with a song and dance sequence and wedding scenes at cave temples Badami and
Halakatti bungalow.
According to local media reports, the crew had been camping at Badami since Tuesday for shooting a portion of the film, which also stars Abhishek Bachchan.
"The shooting and rehearsals, which were suspended for the day, will resume Saturday. The crew is expected to stay put in the district town for over a week to complete the
remaining shooting, which also involves a song and dance scene on a moving train," the reports said.
Monday, April 24, 2006 16:43 IST