It's the war of the films in Bollywood! The last few days have witnessed a few trailer launches that have received some mind-blowing results. Big budget, A-list star cast films clashing with each other and overthrowing the small budget films. But amidst this war, there is one film that seems to have made its place in the hearts of the audience, despite being a content driven film with no A-list stars. 'Manjhi- The Mountain Man', starring Nawazuddin Siddiqui and Radhika Apte, has managed to catch eye-balls with its unique and heart-touching story based on real life incidents.
The film has been trending for the past 5 days on social and video platforms, with the trailer crossing the 2 million mark. Social platform Twitter was abuzz as well with reviews of the trailer and expectations from the film. Numbers like these only prove that the audience also love films with a strong storyline, emotional connect and good cast. Looks like this one is on its way to build a huge fan following, just like Dashrath Manjhi did with his hard work and commitment!
Wednesday, July 22, 2015 09:00 IST