Famous film actress Rekha, classical singer Prabha Atre, noted stage-director Vijaya Mehta, M V Dhond and Vile Parle's Lokmanya Seva Sangh and Nasik's 'Sneh Bandh'
were presented the late Dinanath Mangeshkar Puraskar at the hands of melody queen Lata Mangeshkar.
The function was held to commemorte 64th 'smruti-din' and birth centenary of Mai Mangeshkar.
Dinanath Mangeshkar Puraskar was presented to Prabha Atre, and drama 'God Gulabi', while noted film actress Rekha was honoured with Adishakti Puraskar, special
puraskar was presented to famous stage director Vijaya Mehta, Vagvilasini Puraskar was given to M V Dhond and Vile Parle's Lokmanya Seva Sangh was honoured with
Anandmayi Puraskar on the occasion.
All awards carry cash purse of Rs 50,000 each, mementos, shawl and a coconut.
Tuesday, April 25, 2006 15:19 IST