Bollywood singer Udit Narayan has been summoned by the Bihar Women's Commission after Ranjana
Jha who claims to be the singer's first wife filed a petition before the commission, seeking its
The commission has given Narayan fifteen days to explain his side of the story and has confirmed
sending a notice to this effect to his Mumbai residence.
Manju Prakash, the chairperson of the Bihar Women Commission, said that the evidence produced by
Ranjana suggested that she was not lying.
"Ranjana Jha has filed a petition with the commission. Udit has said that he is a big star, and therefore,
he has got his pictures clicked with many people. But after seeing the evidence produced by Ranjana, I
can say for now that she is not lying.
Udit is an educated man and he should know that a
person is not allowed to remarry until he divorces his first wife. Therefore, we have summoned him to
give his side of the story within fifteen days," said Manju Prakash
Prakash also said that the commission is ready to contest the case legally.
Ranjana says that she wants her rights as the first wife of Udit Narayan restored. She claims that she
married the Bollywood singer on December 7, 1987.
Udit's second wife, Deepa, is of Nepali origin like Udit himself.
Wednesday, April 26, 2006 16:01 IST