During the media interactions for Drishyam, Ajay Devgn was good-naturedly ribbing Tabu on how he wrapped up his interviews really quick, while she took hours over her Q-and-A sessions. To this, Tabu quipped, "They don't ask you too many personal questions. However, in my case, they want to know everything from the movies to my marriage."
Taking that as a cue, one asked the powerhouse actress whether she was open to getting married. And as is her nature, she candidly replied,"Yes, I am open to everything. I believe in taking things the way they come.Frankly, the way I am currently, I just believe in taking life by its horns and asking it to come get me. I have stopped worrying or obsessing over marriage or anything that is going to happen tomorrow or day after. I think it is a pointless exercise. We never end up doing anything if we just sit around and keep obsessing. But yes, I'm most certainly open to marriage, children and a family."
Ask her if she would ever consider relocating, and the actress replies, "Never. I can go and work in London or Los Angeles, but I cannot think of settling in a foreign country. Moving to a place must have a purpose. If there is a purpose, then it is different. You cannot move in a vacuum and not know what to do out there, especially when you have so much going for you in your own country. Personally, I do not think any one of us who has lived in Mumbai can make a move and go anywhere. I can go overseas for a few months at a stretch, that too if there is something truly interesting there to keep me occupied, but I do not see myself settling anywhere other than Mumbai. But, who knows, like it's said 'Que sera sera'.''
Monday, July 27, 2015 11:40 IST