Rohit Shetty'sDilwale, starring Shah Rukh Khan, Kajol, Varun Dhawan and Kriti Sanon has generated a lot of curiosity. The film which has partly been shot in Bulgaria, is one of the most awaited films to release this year. What makes it more interesting is that King Khan's Red Chillies Entertainment will distribute the film. According to, a daily states that the film has already been sold to exhibitors in Delhi, Uttar Pradesh, Punjab, Bengal, Bihar, Odisha, Nizam and Rajasthan. Further to the report, the figures are apparently expected to be around Rs 280 crore.
SRK is known for his keen business sense and investing in ventures. Shah Rukh Khan has purchased the Trinidad & Tobago franchise in the Caribbean Premier League. According to reports, Khan's company Red Chillies Entertainment Pvt Ltd, along with Kolkata Knight Riders co-owners Juhi Chawla and her husband Jay Mehta, has invested in the T&T franchise. The next edition of the tournament is scheduled to run from June 20 to July 26, 2015. Khan is the first owner of an Indian Premier League team to own an overseas cricket franchise. He told TOI, "This is in line with our vision to expand globally . We are thrilled to become part of the cricketing tradition of Trinidad & Tobago. The passion for franchise cricket in the Caribbean is evident with the success of CPL and we hope to bring all the best practices of KKR to the T&T franchise."
Hollywood stars Mark Wahlberg and Gerard Butler already own CPL franchises. Wahlberg owns reigning champions Barbados Tridents, led by Kieron Pollard, while Butler owns Jamaica Tallawahs, captained by Chris Gayle.
Monday, July 27, 2015 11:45 IST