Bollywood actress Pooja Batra, who plays the role of Noor Jahan in "Taj Mahal - An Eternal Love Story",
won't be able to attend the premiere of the film in Pakistan.
But it hasn't dampened her spirits. "I am so happy that my film was chosen for this honour. 'Taj Mahal'
is a true crossover film between India and Pakistan because it depicts history that both Indians and
Pakistanis believe to be their own," Pooja told.
Director Akbar Khan along with the cast and other delegates is in Pakistan for the release of the film
Friday. The film is being premiered in Lahore Wednesday and Karachi Thursday.
"I am very proud of the film and am glad it is being honoured in this fashion. Akbar was kind enough to
invite me for the whole tour but unfortunately I will not be able to make it."
Wednesday, April 26, 2006 16:03 IST