This star kid, who is often spotted at film events along with her parents, is said to have been bitten by the Bollywood bug. And the preparations seem to have begun in earnest too. Her filmmaker-father is keen that she makes a perfect debut and has been personally looking after her grooming.
In fact, he recently took the teenager to a foreign country to get cosmetic surgery done.
Says a source, `It is but inevitable that she will step into movies as it is in her blood. To ensure that she looks like a diva from her very first film, her father is focussing all his energy on her grooming. Both he and his wife, who is also part of the industry, were keen that she goes under the knife to achieve near-perfect looks.`
For the filmmaker's industry friends, it isn't surprising that the girl opted for such grooming as a family member too underwent drastic transformation over the years, thanks to the plastic surgeon's tools. `She has grown up in a filmy atmosphere and while her parents deny that she is looking at Bollywood as a career, her recent outings suggest otherwise,` adds a source.
Tuesday, July 28, 2015 11:00 IST