Ace fashion designer Manish Malhotra, who is set to present Couture Soiree, an evening reminiscent of the old world charm from the 1950s, at the forthcoming Amazon India Couture Week (AICW) 2015 here, says that he is "anxious and stressed" thinking about his show at the gala.
Malhotra, who, in 25 years of career as a costume designer in films, took to micro-blogging website Twitter to share his nervousness.
"Sleepless nights and early mornings ANXIOUS AND STRESSED thinking All the time about my CLOSING SHOW @TheFDCI India couture week," he tweeted.
Malhotra, who is best known for his bridal wear, strong sense of colour and revival of the crafts sector, will have Aishwarya Rai Bachchan as the showstopper.
AICW, a five-day fashion gala, will begin here on Wednesday and will end on August 2.
Thursday, July 30, 2015 11:00 IST