It seems like Nawazuddin Siddiqui has a special connection with Bajrangi. The actor is currently the talk of town with his phenomenal performance in Bajrangi Bhaijaan. Nawaz will next be seen in Ketan Mehta's Manjhi - The Mountain Man as the lead character, Dashrath Manjhi. The recently released trailer of the film features him saying, `Tohar Ko Itna Chahte Hain, Itna Chahte Hain, Itna Chahte Hain, Itna Chahte Hain, Itna Chahte Hain, Kitna Chahte Hain, Kaa Bataye, Seena Chir Ke Dikhaye Bajarang Bali Jaisa.`
What is the connection between Nawazuddin and Bajrangi?
Looks like he is making sure Bajrang Bali is part of all his upcoming films.
Wednesday, July 29, 2015 20:00 IST