Youth's icon Alia Bhatt has found a new role. She is the content curator for the newly announced English entertainment channel, COLORS Infinity along with director-producer Karan Johar. It is a well-known fact that when in need for advice on any aspect of life whether personal or professional, Alia relies on her mentor cum father figure Karan to give her the most reliable counsel. Being co-curators for the channel, the two did not always unanimously agree on certain shows.
Commenting on this Karan Johar said, `Alia's problems are never tiny, they are always large. Tiny Alia calls me for many of her large problems`
Alia further commented, "Working with Karan is amazing, just being around him is amazing. Because we have such an amazing relationship, which just comes across whether we're in front of the camera or behind the camera. So we just are ourselves."
While Karan added, "Alia is like a child, she's like my child. She's not only somebody I launched in cinema, but I feel deeply connected to. So I think we have a general kind of chemistry that I think even lovers may not have. We have a lot of mutual love and that love kindof transfers itself automatically whether you put the camera on or whether you leave it off."
Friday, July 31, 2015 08:00 IST