"Bombay Velvet" actress Anushka Sharma, who got a dose of trolls on social media after she she wrongly wrote A.P.J. Abdul Kalam's name while paying respects to the former president on Twitter, on Wednesday termed it an "honest mistake".
"It was an honest mistake. My intentions were not bad and I had good intentions. It was a human error and humans do make mistakes," she told media persons at an event as brand ambassador for Pantene
Anushka got her tweet wrong not once, but twice before finally getting it right in the third attempt. First, she called him "ABJ Abdul Kalam Azad', and then made it "APJ Abdul Kalam Azad" before finally, the right name: APJ Abdul Kalam. She had subsequently deleted the tweet but it couldn't escape the scrutiny of Twitteratti.
Surprisingly, actor Farhan Akhtar also made the error of adding Azad to Kalam's name while giving his tribute which surprisingly wasn't trolled as much as Anushka was made fun of.
Thursday, July 30, 2015 16:00 IST