Last Friday, the cops came calling at Salman Khan's sister Arpita's Pali Hill residence at around 2.30 am, following complaints from neighbours. Sonakshi Sinha Shraddha Kapoor, Soha Ali Khan, Karisma Kapoor, Riteish and Genelia Deshmukh, Karan Johar and the Khan family, among other B-town biggies, had landed at the apartment to bring in Salman's younger sister's 26th birthday three days early. Music was playing at full blast on loudspeakers in complete violation of rules. A case was registered under the Maharashtra Police Act, a fine of Rs 12,000 was levied and the music was shut off.
But big brother was unfazed. He had to be back on the sets of 'Prem Ratan Dhan Payo' early on Sunday and decided to bring in Arpita's birthday and Friendship Day together, at their farmhouse in Karjat with family and friends. "But keeping what happened on Friday in mind, this party was a low-key celebration. For the occasion, Salman had brought home-cooked chicken biryani and prawn curry to the sets," a source told Mirror and Arpita added, "Yes, my birthday is on August 3 and I have my holiday-mode on."
Neil Nitin Mukesh and Armaan Kohli, who play Salman's scheming, evil brothers in the Sooraj Barjatya directed film, were the close friends at the bash. The trio will be shooting back-to-back action sequences for the next 20 days and have grown very fond of each other.
Sallu also extended a personal invitation to new bestie, Chand Nawab from Bajrangi Bhaijaan.But Nawazuddin Siddiqui who is in Nagpur for the promotions of his upcoming film, 'Manjhi - The Mountain Man', had to decline despite it being Friendship Day. "Salman bhai is a dear friend. He is always caring and thoughtful. I couldn't attend the party as I'm travelling," admitted Nawaz. "But as a Friendship Day gift, I will arrange a special screening of my film, for bhai," he chuckled.
Monday, August 03, 2015 13:05 IST