Ankita Srivastava, who will romance Anil Kapoor and Nana Patekar in 'Welcome Back', has been christened 'Chandni' in the film, after Sridevi's 1989 eponymous movie. The elated newbie says, "I've never met Sridevi ma'am but I'm a huge fan and might faint if I do." Sridevi turned singer with the title track of 'Chandni', but Ankita won't even be shaking a leg to it or to 'Mr. India's 'Hawa Hawai'. But she managed to woo the director, who was looking for an established actress, by performing an emotional scene from her favourite movie, 'Chandni', to bag the role of the Rajkumari of Najafgarh.
"I was blown away by her audition. She has seen Chandni innumerable times.That's why Firoz bhai (producer Firoz Nadiadwala) and I decided to name her character Chandni," says Anees.
Monday, August 03, 2015 13:07 IST