Making his first public appearance after tying the knot with Mira Rajput, Shahid Kapoor was in high spirits at the trailer launch of Vikas Bahl's destination wedding romcom,Shaandaar,reports Mumbai Mirror. But every time a question about theshaadicropped up, his over protective co-star, Alia Bhatt, jumped in saying, "Shahid'sshandaarwedding is over, so the only wedding we should talk about is the one happening in my film." She butted in again, when he was asked about the best gift he received, "We were theshandaargifts," to which Karan Johar quipped, "Yeah, we packed Alia and sent the gift to Shahid's wedding."
Interestingly, Shahid's dad Pankaj Kapur plays Alia's father for reel. Being a method actor, Pankaj, stayed in character throughout the shoot. "He plays Alia's protective father, and spent much of his time with her, withpakodasand sandwiches for company. He would get jealous if I spoke to Alia for even a minute," Shahid chuckled. Alia's a die-hard Kareena Kapoor fan and comparisons are being drawn between the two. Shahid insisted that this is a big compliment for Alia, since, Kareena is an established actress and has a great body of work. "But I don't find any similarity between the two apart from the fact that both are originals. And I did a love story with Kareena,Jab We Met,and now I'm doing one with Alia," he concluded.
Wednesday, August 12, 2015 12:13 IST