Deepika Padukone's failure to invite Amitabh Bachchan to the success bash of their film Piku has been the talk of the town. In a recent interview with DNA, Abhishek Bachchan was asked about his thoughts on the whole issue of his dad being snubbed. When asked if he was upset that Big B was not invited to the bash, Abhishek said that he has nothing to say as he is too busy doing his own work and that he doesn't bother about other people's work. Reportedly, Junior B was also asked how he would react if he bumps into Dippy at an event, to which he replied saying if he would like to believe that he is a well-mannered and well-brought up person, he won't snub her or behave coldly. By stating this is an upset Abhishek taunting Deepika, or is this in good spirit?
Abhishek Bachchan will soon be seen in a family drama All Is Well. The film talks about father-son relationship, and speaking about the same in an interview with, Abhishek said that the film made him question himself if he was a good son. The actor further said he felt he was doing everything that he could do for his family and was a good son, be he is always trying to do better. InAll Is Well, Rishi Kapoor plays Abhishek's onscreen father.
Thursday, August 13, 2015 12:18 IST