Bharatiya Janata Party Vice President Mukthar Abbas Naqvi was Monday asked to apologise for misinterpreting actor Feroz Khan's statements against Pakistan for petty
political mileage.
"I am very, very upset with Naqvi. He has no business to misquote my brother. It was just a slip of tongue on my brother's part but Naqvi is misinterpreting it and trying to
send wrong signals," filmmaker Akbar Khan told on phone from Lahore.
"Naqvi should apologise. He owes an apology to my brother and my family," he added.
At the Lahore premiere of Akbar Khan's "Taj Mahal - An Eternal Love Story", Feroz reportedly said: "India is a secular country. There, Hindus don't kill Muslims while here in
Pakistan, Muslims are killing Muslims."
His statement created a furore, prompting Feroze Khan to hastily return to India.
Naqvi had hailed Feroze Khan as a "true nationalist" for his reported criticism of Pakistan.
Akbar Khan alleged Naqvi was giving the issue a political twist to ruin their efforts at establishing a good rapport with Pakistanis.
"Naqvi is diabolic in his designs and intentions. He is deliberately dragging my brother into this. He is a golden-hearted person. He didn't mean anything. His intentions were
"Naqvi is just trying to ruin our efforts of establishing a friendly cultural relationship between the two countries for petty political mileage," said Akbar Khan, who is returning
to India May 5.
Akbar Khan also charged Naqvi with "misusing" his political status.
"He should be dismissed. People like Shatrughan Sinha, who are more responsible and sensible, should be given such responsible positions. Shatrughan Sinha is such a
nice man. He accompanied the delegation and was properly representing the country there."
He was fulsome in his praise for Pakistani hospitality.
"We were feeling on the top of the world. The entire delegation was given a red carpet welcome. We were overwhelmed by all the arrangements."
Wednesday, May 03, 2006 12:00 IST