Actor Navin Nischol has finally broken her silence. The actor who had been arrested on charges of abetting wife Gitanjali's suicide has claimed that he was forced to live
separately due to 'extreme mood swings' in his wife's behaviour which led to tensions within the extended family.
Filing for bail in a sessions court, Nischol's plea said his wife had ended her life "in a fit of depression". His brother Pravin, who's been arrested on the same charges, has
also sought bail.
Pravin's application says his success as the CEO of a film production house, Entertainment One, had made Gitanjali jealous of him.
Navin has pleaded that he was living with his mother and Pravin at a flat in Khar since 1996 but was forced to move out in 2000 because Gitanjali had orced him to do so.
The application also clarifies that the flat in Khar was taken on rent by Pravin and not owned by Navin as media reports had suggested. Navin has also stated that Gitanjali
was never happy with his family and used "to constantly engage in futile arguments" with his mother.
It is argued that Gitanjali was suffering from depression and was prescribed medication.
Thursday, May 04, 2006 12:06 IST