Bhaag Johnny launched its first song today , Daddy Mummy, picturised on lead actor Kunal Kemmu and the sizzling Urvashi Rautela. What makes the film team upbeat about this number is that it is a Hindi version of a Tamil chartbuster created by Devi Sri Prasad that went viral. Sensing the potential of this South Indian hit number, Bollywood producer and music baron Bhushan Kumar, producer of Bhaag Johnny, acquired the rights for his Shivam Nair-directed movie that also features Zoa Morani and Mandana Karimi.
Gifty, who has directed many Yo Yo Honey Singh songs like Desi Kalakaar , has also directed this number, the lyrics of which have been written by Kumaar.Devi Sri Prasad and MM Manasi have sung it.
Urvashi talking about the song says, "I`ve previously worked with the producers for the song Love Dose and When I heard that Gifty will be at the helm, I knew I had to do it. More so after all the praise I had heard about him from Honey while shooting Love Dose," says Urvashi, who describes the Daddy Mummy number as super-hot. Kunal on other hand adds, "It was so much fun being a part of the song and working with the brilliant team behind making this video. They let me improvise with their steps and we luckily got the one shot we needed just in time before the light dipped.`
Bhaag Johnny, produced by Super Cassettes Industries Pvt. Ltd., releases September 25.
Friday, August 21, 2015 13:44 IST