Umesh Shukla's recent release garners Rs. 11.91 cr in its first weekend as the movie sees a jump in collections over Saturday and Sunday. All is Well, A family entertainer which takes you through an emotional journey with many comic dialogues is getting a huge applause by the families. The first day opening being 2.90cr, the box office collection grew over Saturday and Sunday with the family audiences accepting the film, concept and characters which they relate too. The Saturday collection went upto Rs 3.98cr and Sunday collected Rs. 5.03cr totaling the weekend to Rs 11.91cr.
The film which was made in a budget of Rs 28cr (Rs 21cr cost of production and Rs 7cr PnA) is already on its way to recovery. The makers have already recovered Rs 25cr through overseas distribution, music and satellite rights.
All is well produced by T-Series and Allchemy film productions starring Abhishek Bachchan, Asin, Rishi Kapoor and Supriya Pathak released last Friday.
Day - Collection (in cr)
Friday - 2.9
Saturday - 3.98
Sunday - 5.03
Total - 11.91
Tuesday, August 25, 2015 20:00 IST