Recently, at the trailer launch event of his upcoming movie 'Shaandaar', when Shahid Kapoor was asked about his supposed next film with 'Lootera' director Vikramaditya Motwane, he refused to divulge any details. But according to a report published in Mumbai Mirror, the project is underway and has got a name for itself too.
The movie has been named as 'AK Vs SK', which are the initials of the central characters in the film. `The story revolves around a boy and girl who are adversaries. It's as yet unclear who is AK and who is SK but one of them is definitely the initials of Shahid's character in the film. The hunt for the leading lady is on,` says the report. Meanwhile, the 'Haider' actor will be seen in 'Shaandaar' and 'Udta Punjab' both opposite Alia Bhatt and in 'Rangoon' opposite Kangana Ranaut. He will also start working on 'Magadheera' remake soon.
Tuesday, September 01, 2015 13:26 IST