Most popularly known as Shah Rukh Khan's 'Chakde! India' girl, Sagarika Ghatge's last release was a Marathi film, 'Premachi Goshta', in 2013. Two years later she's all set to return as the leading lady of Aparna Singh and Nishant Tripathi's debut film, 'Irada'. The thoughtprovoking thriller drama also features Naseeruddin Shah and Arshad Warsi.
"I play an independent, educated girl who always stands up for what she believes to be right. I am the only female character in the film but not romantically linked with either of the actors," says Sagarika, adding that the film will roll in December.
Before that she plans to sit with the directors and understand the character through workshops. "I'm overwhelmed about sharing screen space with Naseeruddin Shah. I've always looked up to him," she says excitedly.
The actress will start another untitled film in October. It's a women-centric subject being directed by Shiladitya Moulik."I'm happy that I'm finally getting good roles," she says, dodging questions on the details of her relationship."Earlier, I had a lot to deal with in my personal space.I give 100 per cent to a relationship but sometimes things don't work out the way you had planned.I had also wanted to go in for further studies. But I am happy to be back," she smiles, refusing to reveal more.
Thursday, September 03, 2015 10:37 IST