As more and more Bollywood filmmakers turn to real life for ideas, debut-making director Nilesh Mulye says his first movie has been inspired by the ‘love story' of Abhishek
Bachchan and Karisma Kapoor.
Mulye, currently writing the script for the film to be produced by Raj Gandhi, says, "my film has been tentatively titled Glamour and it has been inspired by high profile
marriages and divorces in high society and corporate circles".
He is excited about his project, which he describes as ‘an out and out love story'.
"My idea is not to show either Sanjay Kapur or Karisma Kapoor in a negative light. I have just been inspired by the love story of Abhishek Bachchan and Karisma, their
break-up, Karisma's marriage on the rebound to Sanjay Kapur, their hurried honeymoon and a subsequent split and coming together," Mulye said.
"It is not my intention to paint any celebrity in black," he says.
Mulye says Glamour will be a ‘social film which will set out at length to tackle the issue of marriage conducted in haste only to repent in leisure'.
Mulye has signed Saakshi Shivanand and her real life sister Shilpa to play the roles of Karisma and Kareena Kapoor. A new actor called Kabier Sawhney has been pencilled
in to play the role of a rich industrialist who is a divorcee.
"Through my film, I will set out to show how rich industrialists hurriedly get married to glamour girls from tinsel town, blinded by their name and fame and later are unable to
cope with the reality," Mulye says.
"Every marriage between an industrialist and an actress isn't jinxed. There are many exceptions to the rule," he points out.
Another unique feature about Glamour is that it will not have any vamp or villain, Mulye says.
Thursday, May 11, 2006 12:27 IST