Katrina, appears on the cover of the magazine - Hello! India - along with Tina Ambani, Akshay Kumar and AR Rahman under the heading The World's Most Powerful Come Together For a Common Cause, spoke at length about her life in an interview to the same magazine. According to a report on Pinkvilla.com, in an interview with the Hello! India magazine, Katrina was quoted as saying that success is a garb and that one wears it for sometime and then it is worn by someone else. The Phantom actress further elucidated that allowing success to get to your head means one is taking a momentary and transitionary phase for granted and that her upbringing does not allow her to be fat headed. The pretty-face actress further stated that she has been fortunate enough to be surrounded by people who have helped her to stay very grounded be it her mother or her siblings or her team.
Katrina Kaif and Ranbir Kapoor are one of B-towns most popular couples, however they always shy awya when it comes to marriage talks. In an interview with Bollywoodlife.com, Katrina Kaif opened up about her thoughts about the institution of marriage. She was quoted saying in the report that Ranbir and she are working professionals, concentrating on their work. The report further quoted the actress saying that both of them have to see see marriage happening, and that it is about two people.
Tuesday, September 08, 2015 12:25 IST